As a young stroke survivor, Jonathan Miller founded Enter Stage Left to help others in similar situations and to educate professionals on how to better work with the patients who need them.
From personal experience, he found there was too often a gap between the practices introduced in hospitals or during therapy and what survivors need in real-life settings. Research supports his experience.
At Enter Stage Left, we are professional coaches offering services and resources based on S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Wellness Planning that focuses on The Person Behind the Patient.
Meet Jonathan Miller
Meet Jonathan Miller
Journal Entry: November 17, 2006
An event was going to happen that would change my life. My body and strength would be taken away. All that remained was my damaged brain, heart, and soul. It was my job to heal myself. I would build myself back from a wheelchair and a hospital bed. I would learn a great deal and speak of the triumph. This is how I want it written when the time comes.
Fifteen years later, the time has come.
Maybe They Left Tools in My Brain is the story of a young professional sharing his life's journey. It's the story of an unexpected turn of events, suffering his first stroke at the age of 28 and the incredible triumph that follows. Although his body and strength were taken away, he did heal himself. He did build himself back. He learned a great deal from the experience. And, now he speaks of the triumph. Jonathan's story encourages us all to never give in . . . to embrace life no matter what hardships are thrown at us.
As a stroke survivor, Jonathan is dedicated to helping others in similar situations and educating health care professionals on how to better work with their patients.
The Framework
Eight (8) Dimensions of Wellness
Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Physical, Occupational, Social and Spiritual. Each has an impact on our wellness and quality of life.
Character Strengths & Values
Knowing and applying your character strengths can have a significant positive impact on your quality of life.
S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goal Setting
Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-bound, Evaluated and Revised based on progress. A proven framework in a variety of settings.